Everyone knows the cobra, and the coral snake, but there are many poisonous snakes in the world rarely That We Hear. This is some very rare species known, and Often deadly.
Although associated with a real cobra, cobra Actually water included in a different genus and gets its name after its ability to Flatten the ribs to form a head like a cobra.
There are two types, the which is best known as ringed water cobra. Cobra Water is found in Africa, and can grow to 2.7 meters (8.86 feet) in length. They are Mostly in the waters, never wanders far from water, and can Remain submerged for a long time. Highly Venomous, but shy, Will only bite if Provoked. These snakes are not to be daunted by the giant water Cobras, or false cobra (Hydrodynastes), from South America, which, though larger, but hardly dangerous.
Mamushi is Japan's most dangerous snake, also found in Korea and China. Included along with the pit viper family of snakes and Venomous Copperhead America. can grow to 90 cm (3ft), but usually Smaller, however, is very dangerous Because the hemorrhagic venom, delivered through a long fangs. He ate fish, Small Mammals, frogs, and viviparous.
short, thick body and large, flat head, pitvipers is reminiscent of the African species of Gaboon vipers and puff-adder.
They are found in the rainforests of Mexico and Central America, and has reportedly attacked as They Actually Their bodies lifted off the ground.
However, They are somewhat shy and Will only attack if disturbed. They, however, with the Greater bite force than the other vipers, and instead of a quick bite and retreat, They Bite Their Enemies long to chew and also to give the poison as much as possible.
Mexican jumping viper can grow up to 1.2 meters (4ft) long, and Their venom has anticoagulant effects in human blood.
This snake (not a real cobra) got the name from the striking Their Colors and Their ability to Flatten Their necks like a cobra.
They are found in Africa and is very poisonous, but have short fangs and low vision Because Their lifestyle is more Often used for digging.
They Should Be Even so avoided, Because there is no antidote for the poison to them. They eat lizards and small Mammals.
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Interesting Viper is found in rain forests of Africa. |
His performance of the keel row, Such as zinc triangles Arranged neatly as scales. These are highly Venomous snakes and there is no antidote for Overcoming the bite; antivenom used for other types of snakes bite little or no effect at all on this snake bites. Therefore, this little fellow (length 40-70 cm), very dangerous and Should Be treated with respect.
CAME from Mexico, Central Africa and South America, hognosed small snake (75 cm), but highly toxic hemotoxic (it destroys blood cells and vessels). This snake is a little known and commonly found in the rainforest, also in coastal areas.
Maybe this is one weird snake of all, immerse themselves Often are the species are found in Africa have fangs are so long That They really stand out from the mouth, Such as saberteeth.
This allows the snake to bite its prey without opening his mouth. Small with a gruesome sight, the buried asp usually not deadly to Humans, but adult children have Died Because many bites.
This Slender snake found in Africa and belong to the family Colubridae, the which is usually not known for members of the dangerous (although boomslang, other species of Africa, is one of the Deadliest snakes in the world).
Just like the boomslang, Twig snake has fangs of Venomous snakes in the back of the mouth, the which makes it less dangerous than Cobras or pitvipers, but the venom is extremely toxic and deadly to Humans. Famous German herpetologist Robert Mertens was Murdered by one of the snakes Kept as pets.
Leaves food Mainly lizards and snakes and birds get from Their name Their ability to mimic the Twigs on the tree, even a gentle swaying as if moved by the wind. thus very Difficult to know his presence.
Despite the similar name and appearance, this is not included viper snakes (vipers) true, but members of the family Elapidae That also includes Cobras and coral snakes.
Death Adder found in Australia, New Guinea and nearby islands, and They are one of the most potent venoms of all snakes.
Fortunately, there are now specific antivenom for these snakes, the which has greatly lowered the number of Victims in Australia. In New Guinea, however, many people still die of Death Adder bites every year. Death adders are very famous in Australia, but rarely Heard around the world.
Found in Brazil Queimada Grande island, this pit viper was developed in habitats where birds of prey are available (the island has no native Mammals), to Prevent Them from flying, gold lancehead develop a very strong poison acts That Quickly.
Queimada Grande Island is the only place in the world where this pitvipers can be found, but Their population is so dense, And that the island has been declared a restricted area by the Brazilian government. This fact makes it one of the most dangerous places in the world.
Officially Although there has been no recorded human lanceheads Deaths Caused by gold, the People who live near the island Tells Stories about People who are in Queimada Grande; a Man Who went to pick up bananas on the island was later found lying in the boat in a puddle of his own blood, after being Bitten by one or more of the golden lanceheads.
But Perhaps the most famous stories is about the last service the old lighthouse on the island, the story goes, one night, the operator and his family (wife and three children) see lanceheads in through the window.
They fear, out of the lighthouse and to try to reach a boat to escape from the island, but They did not go far, They have been Bitten by a Snake That much hanging in the branches - branches above Their heads.