
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rental assistance programs from OCHA - Houses for rent

Briefly, the section 8 program is a rental assistance to help low-income people, or for more details read here: Section 8 [housing]

The Orange Country Housing Authority [OCHA] administers a section 8 program throughout Orange Country area.

A person that selected to participate in the section 8 program is issued a housing choice voucher and is the free to locate a rental unit in the private market. Once the family selects an apartment, beach houses, condos, etc, the OCHA must inspect the unit before initial leasing and annualy thereafter to ensure that the unit meets HUD housing quality standards [HQS]. After the unit passes of HQS inspection, OCHA will enter into housing assistance payment [HAP] contract with the owner who leases the unit to a family. Thereafter, OCHA pays a portion of the rent to the owner on behalf of the family

Under the housing choice voucher program, the family is generally required to pay approximately 30% of adjusted monthly income toward rent and utilities. Families can choose to pay up to 40% of their income if needed to allow greater choices in location and type of rental dwellin. The HAP made by OCHA to the owner generally pays the reamining portion of the approved contract rent.

Who is eliglibe?, The Housing Choice Voucher program can assist:
Elderly persons, i.e. 60 years or older
Handicapped or disabled [for at least one year]
Families and individuals

Eliglibe households must qualify as low income: has a gross annual income from all sources within the amounts listed below for the famili size, Family income includes salaries, wages, interest from assets, tips, pensions, assistance grants, etc, for all members. OCHA must target 75% of new admissions to extremely low income families. An extremely low-income family is defined as a family whose annual income doesn's exceed 30% of median income of the area.

Well, for more information, visit , or call: (714) 480 2970

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