Which country has the right to the title of king of the world's earthquakes?
The pictures below are marked with grayish white circles indicate earthquakes that occurred.The larger the circle the greater the earthquake. The images were obtained through the Google Earth application.
World Earthquake Epicenter
Australia picture below really very little earthquake.
Australia a little earthquake
African picture below really too little earthquake.
Australia a little earthquake
Image of Alaska, Canada, USA, Mexico where the quake appears on the side toward the Pacific Ocean.
The left side of the continent of North America quite a lot of earthquakes
Image of Latin America and the south where the quake appears on the side toward the Pacific Ocean.
The left side of the southern continent of Latin America & quite a lot of earthquakes
Image of China & Russia (northern Asia) and India (South Asia) is less earthquake.
China, Russia, and India is relatively small earthquake
Figure Europe and the north pole a little earthquake.
Europe and the north pole is relatively small earthquake
Figure south pole little earthquake.
South Pole little earthquake
Borneo is very poor image of the earthquake. Other islands nearly filled circles earthquake.
Borneo is almost no earthquakes
Images are very rich Sumatra earthquake, with the blue line width of plate subduction between 7cm per year.
Sumatra earthquake and subduction
Image-rich Java earthquake, with the blue line width of plate subduction between 7cm per year.
Earthquake Java, Bali, and subduction
Figure Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku, Irian rich quake, with a blue line between plate subduction (width 10.6cm per year).
Earthquake Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku and Irian and subduction
Images that compete with the Japanese earthquake Indonesia earthquake.
Filipinos to Japan's earthquake, which is also a lot of
source: http://www.smartnewz.info/